

What AC chargers do


Most private EV charging set-ups use AC chargers (AC stands for “Alternative Current”). All power used to charge an EV comes out as AC, but it needs to be in DC format before it can be of any use to a vehicle. In AC EV charging, a car does the job of converting this AC power into DC. That’s why it takes longer, and also why it tends to be more economical.

All electric cars can convert AC power into DC. This is because they have a built-in onboard charger that turns this AC into DC power before transmitting it to the car battery. However, every onboard charger has a maximum capacity depending on the car, which can transfer electricity to the battery with limited power.

Here are some other facts about AC chargers:

Most outlets that you interact with on a day-to-day use AC power.

AC charging is often a slower charging method compared to DC.

AC chargers are ideal for charging a vehicle overnight.

AC chargers are much smaller than DC charging stations, which makes them suitable for office, or home use.

AC chargers are more affordable than DC chargers.

What DC chargers do

DC EV charging (which stands for “Direct Current”) does not need to be converted into AC by the vehicle. Instead, it is capable of supplying the car with DC power from the get-go. As you can imagine, because this kind of charging cuts out a step, it can charge an electric vehicle much faster.

Rapid chargers pull off their charging speeds through the use of types of DC power. Some of the fastest DC chargers can provide a fully charged vehicle in an hour or even less. The counterpart for this performance gain is that DC chargers require more space and are pricier than AC chargers.

DC chargers are costly to install and relatively bulky, so they’re most often seen in mall parking lots, residential apartment complexes, offices, and other commercial areas.

We count three different types of DC fast-charging stations: the CCS connector (popular in Europe and North America), the connector (popular in Europe and Japan), and the Tesla connector.

They require a lot of space and are a lot pricier than AC chargers

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Post time: Nov-14-2023